The American
Binary Primary (The Defiance of Nebraska)
Can't We All Just Get Along?
Dead Air
Lehigh (French for "the High")
The Light Has Turned Red
The Never-Ending Toothpaste
Turtle Power


"The American"

Whet your appetite
With a point
With the drought
With your wallet

The dirtiest devotion
The driest desperation

Paint fate on your pallet
And fill your lungs
With a wet dream
That never sleeps

I’m the heavenly hybrid
The bodacious bastard
The fossilized phenom

I’ll match your darkest demonic depressions
With the highest holiest humors

I’m in
I’m it
See me smile



The sky was an impregnable tumult
From the Bay to the breakers.
Seen from Haze Valley,
The roller-church crested the hill
While Karl drowned out Sutro Tower and other ornaments
As the elements captured back what was theirs by rights.

A balloon.

And another.

Dozens followed over the course of the hour,
Little sperm cells knock knock knocking on heaven's egg.
The first meandered over a precipice
And was devoured by the great white mass,
Blindly and inevitably finding its way into the Bay
Like an airborne jellyfish
Floating without intention.

A sea turtle realized that it was no such thing
As it choked to death.
To the deep disappointment of a blue whale,
The balloon was but another cheap attempt at glory,
Lifeless indigestible inflated plastic polymer,
Purposefully fleeting and utterly vain.

And for less than a dollar,
You too can penetrate God's mattress
And fuck Mother Nature in the ass.


"Binary Primary (The Defiance of Nebraska)"

Binary Primary GIF.gif

Which side of Purple are you on?
As if Yellow weren’t a spoke that makes the color wheel spin.
Primarily the problem persists that primetime polls prejudice the Primary
Suggesting such that the spectrum is secondary.
Forget about Cyan and Crimson… (not to mention Jade).
Subscribers to the System
Brainwashed by the Binary.


"Can't We All Just Get Along?"

We are all on the same team.
Just a bunch of horny primates.
Our basic needs have been met.
We should all be humping relentlessly.

Insecure body images.
Enormous egos.
Loud language.
Petty politics.
Perpetual posturing.
Externalized anxiety.
Constraining social contracts.
Small penises.

It’s time to break through the bullshit.
Let’s party.


"Dead Air"

Hello darkness my old friend
I’ve come to sleep with you again
To caress the resistance of stimulus
To kiss the sweet silence
A moment’s bliss to process
To rest

But beware, be scared
Dead Air is alive!
Like microbes in your compost
Warming up the worms
And it’s coming to eat your brains!
So grab your Twinkies and run
The candles are lit
Dead Air, the silent killer
Can you handle it?


Lehigh (French for “the High”)

I’m high as a mountain hawk.
They changed the name in 1995.
Now the engineers are back en vogue.
Little Lebowskis re-wiring the Matrix.
Digiteers, digineers.
Sheila and the didge, mate.

- Milford Patrick Mungus, 1897.


The Light Has Turned Red!

Oh say, can’t you See
That the Light has turned Red?
Slow down!
Don’t speed up!
The Light has turned Red!


“The Never-Ending Toothpaste”

Just when I've given up hope
There you go again
The never-ending toothpaste
You give just what I need
To keep my teeth clean
Blue magic oozing out your neck
A torso mutilated
Most cruel and unusual
One last breath
One last breath
Bend and squeeze
For one last breath
As you continue to give
Just what I need


"Turtle Power"

The tortoise sees the hare and smiles.
It’s a marathon, not a sprint.
Wait, it’s not even a race.
He keeps his own pace.

His cousin is the sea turtle.
She cruises with the current.
From water to land.
She returns to the sand.

Their shells fend off the bullshit.
Other animals chill with them.
Decades go by and the turtles keep on.
Keeping it green, singing their song.
